Helen Morement

Founder of AMMF – The Cholangiocarcinoma Charity.

Helen Morement


Founder of AMMF – The Cholangiocarcinoma Charity.

Personal Information

In 2002, Helen Morement founded AMMF – The Cholangiocarcinoma Charity. It was then the world’s first charity dedicated solely to cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) and today, AMMF remains the UK’s only dedicated CCA charity, now working nationally and across Europe as well as actively collaborating globally.

AMMF provides information and support to those who need it, campaigns to raise awareness of this devastating disease, and encourages and supports specialised research teams in their work towards better diagnostic techniques and treatments and, ultimately a cure. To date, AMMF has given over £3m (three million pounds sterling) in research grants.
Helen is an Executive Committee member of Cholangiocarcinoma-UK (a BASL special interest group), and a Co-Chair of the Steering Committee of the Global Cholangiocarcinoma Alliance. She also actively collaborates with ENS-CCA (the European Network for the Study of Cholangiocarcinoma).

Helen acts as patient representative for the NCRI (National Cancer Research Institute) Upper GI Clinical Trials Hepatobiliary Group, and reviews clinical trials and patient guidelines information for UK bodies and for international organisations.

As a Board Director of Cancer52, a UK organization with 100+ rare cancer charity members, Helen works to address the inequalities that exist in policy, services, and research within the rare cancers area.