Amaia Lujambio

Associate Professor, Icahn School of Medicine Mt Sinai

Amaia Lujambio


Associate Professor, Icahn School of Medicine Mt Sinai

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Amaia Lujambio got her PhD at the Spanish National Cancer Center (CNIO) studying the epigenetic regulation of microRNAs in cancer (Esteller laboratory). She then pursued her postdoctoral studies (Scott Lowelaboratory) demonstrating that p53 can suppress liver tumorigenesis through non-cell-autonomous mechanisms by modulating macrophage polarization and tumor microenvironment, highlighting the importance that the immune cell compartment has in liver cancer. The focus of the Lujambio laboratory is to better understand liver cancer initiation and liver cancer maintenance by using sophisticated mouse models of cancer, RNA interference and CRISPR technology, valuable human samples, and genetic and immune profiling as key tools.