Peter Galle

Professor of Medicine, Director, First Department of Internal Medicine University Medical Center, Mainz, Germany

Peter Galle


Professor of Medicine, Director, First Department of Internal Medicine
University Medical Center, Mainz, Germany

Personal Information

Dr. Galle majored in internal medicine at the Universities of Berlin, Marburg, Mannheim and Heidelberg, Germany, at Hammersmith Hospital, London/UK and, as a Fulbright grantee at University of Texas/USA and received his M.D. degree from Marburg University and Ph.D. degree from Heidelberg University.
Initially he held a position as postdoctoral fellow in Molecular Biology at the Centre for Molecular Biology Heidelberg working on the replication of hepatitis B viruses. Afterwards he completed his residency in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology at the University Hospital of Heidelberg. In 1998 he became Director of the I. Medical Department in Mainz and from 2005 – 2008 he hold the CEO position of Mainz University Hospital. He is member of several national and international societies such as the American ssociation for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) and the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL), served as Co-editor for the Journal of Hepatology and was on the Editorial Boards of several other Journals. He served as congress president of the German Society for Digestive Diseases (DGVS) in 2014. He was member of the Executive Board and President of the International Liver Cancer Association (ILCA). He was the President of the German Association for the Study of the Liver (GASL) for the year 2020. His research has focused on elucidating important aspects of apoptotic cell death in the liver, immune escape of tumour cells and on clinical and molecular aspects of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). He chaired the panel updating the EASL Clinical Practice Guideline on HCC, which appeared in 2018. He was awarded several prizes, amongst others the prestigious Tannhauser award, the highest prize of the German Society for Digestive Diseases. He has published more than 550 peer-reviewed papers.