Lorenza Rimassa

Associate Professor of Medical Oncology, Humanitas Research Hospital, Milan, Italy

Lorenza Rimassa


Associate Professor of Medical Oncology, Humanitas Research Hospital, Milan, Italy

Personal Information

Lorenza Rimassa is Associate Professor of Medical Oncology, member of the Residency Program Directors Coordinating Committee, member of the Executive Committee and Academic Board of the PhD Program in Applied Clinical Research at Humanitas University and Head of HepatoPancreatoBiliary Oncology at IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital in Rozzano (MI), Italy. She is Treasurer, member of the Executive Committee and Governing Board of the International Liver Cancer Association (ILCA), Co-chair of the EORTC Hepatobiliary and Neuroendocrine Tumors Task Force, holds the position of Special Expert – International Trials Europe on the Hepatobiliary Task Force of the National Cancer Institute (NCI, US), member of the Management Committee of the COST Action CA22125 Precision medicine in biliary tract cancer” (Precision- TC-Network), and member of the Scientific Committee of the Swiss Liver Cancer Foundation. She is an author of the ESMO Guideline on Biliary Tract Cancer (2022), a member of the Italian Inter-Society Guideline Writing Committee on hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), of ESMO, ASCO, EASL, ILCA, and AIOM. She is co-chair of the Technical Commission of the Lombardy Oncology Network on liver and biliary tract cancer in collaboration with the Hepatogastroenterology Network (Italy).
She is principal investigator and member of the steering/data monitoring committee for national/international, phase 1–3 clinical/translational trials of new drugs for HCC and biliary tract cancer. She is speaker, chair, discussant, and member of the organizing and scientific committee at national/international congresses. She has authored approximately 200 articles on the development of new GI ancer treatments/biomarkers. She is Associate Editor for Journal of Hepatology, Section Editor-in-Chief for the Disease Biomarker Section of Journal of Personalized Medicine, and an editorial board member of several journals including Liver International, Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology, Cancers, and Journal of Hepatocellular Carcinoma.