
At the ILCA STW24, participants can anticipate discussions on:

  • Novel immunotherapy combinations and molecularly targeted agents.
  • Systemic therapies for patients with HCC, CCA and BTC, form the early to the advanced setting
  • The role of a multidisciplinary team in the management of liver cancer.




9.00-9.05 Welcome and Introductions Lorenza Rimassa, Italy
Tim Meyer, UK
Session 1: Systemic Therapy

Introduction by session chairs: Lorenza Rimassa & Ghassan Abou-Alfa

09.05-09.20    A Patient’s Perspective Helen Morement, UK
09.20-09.40 Selection of first-line therapy for HCC Lorenza Rimassa, Italy
09.40-10.00 Selection of second-line therapy HCC Massimo Iavarone, Italy
10.00-10.20 Selection of first-line therapy for BTC Mairead McNamara, UK
10.20-10.40 Selection of second-line therapy BTC Chiara Braconi, UK
10.40-11.00 Discussion
11.00-11.20 Coffee Break
Session 2: Systemic therapy for early disease

Introduction by session chairs: Chiara Braconi & Tim Meyer

11.20-11.40 Adjuvant and neoadjuvant systemic therapy for
resectable HCC
Gonzalo Sapisochin, Canada
11.40-12.00 Adjuvant and neoadjuvant systemic therapy for resectable BTC John Primrose, UK
12.00-12.20 Systemic therapy in the setting of transplantation Parissa Tabrizian, USA
12.20-12.40 Discussion
12.40-13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.30 MDT discussion 4 cases Panel 1. Chair, Oncology,
Hepatology, Surgery and
Radiology from present faculty
Session 3: Molecular stratification and trial endpoints for systemic therapy

Introduction by session chairs: Lorenza Rimassa & Josep Llovet

14.30-14.50 Stratification factors and predictive biomarkers in HCC Josep Llovet, Spain
14.50-15.10 Molecular stratification for BTC John Bridgewater, UK
15.10-15.30 Endpoints for phase III trials in liver cancer Maria Reig, Spain
15.30-15.50 Patient reported outcomes in clinical trials for HCC and BTC Peter Galle, Germany
15.50-16.10 Discussion
16.10-16.30 Coffee Break
Session 4: Additional applications for systemic therapy

Introduction by session chairs: Maria Reig & Tim Meyer

16.30-16.50 Systemic therapy for patients with Child Pugh B liver disease Tim Meyer, UK
16.50-17.10 Systemic therapy for mixed HCC:CC
17.10-17.30 Rare subtypes – Fibrolamellar and sarcomatoid tumours Ghassan Abou-Alfa, USA
17.30-17.50 Management of HCC in patients with HIV David J. Pinato, UK




09.00-09.05 Welcome and Introductions Lorenza Rimassa, Italy
Tim Meyer, UK
Session 5: Emerging therapies

Introduction by session chairs: Lorenza Rimassa & Juliene Edeline

09.05-09.20 Combination of systemic therapy with TACE in HCC Maxime Ronot, France
09.20-09.40 Combining systemic therapy with radiotherapy in HCC Laura Dawson, Canada
09.40-10.00 Combining systemic therapy with locoregional therapy in BTC Julien Edeline, France
10.00-11.00 MDT discussion 4 cases Panel 2. Chair, Oncology,
Hepatology, Surgery and
Radiology from present
11.00-11.20 Coffee Break
Session 6

Introduction by session chairs: Maria Hawkins & Tim Meyer

11.40-12.00 Mangement of oligometastatic disease Maria Hawkins, UK
12.00-12.20 Role of intra-arterial chemotherapy Stephen L. Chan, Hong Kong
12.20-12.40 Cellular therapy for liver cancer Claire Roddie, UK
12.40-13.00 Novel and emerging systemic therapies for HCC Bruno Sangro, Spain
13.00-13.20 Novel and emerging therapies for BTC Maeve Lowery, Ireland
13.20-13.40 Discussion
13.40-13.50 Close Lorenza Rimassa, Italy
Tim Meyer, UK

Meet our Speakers

John Bridgewater

[Professor, UCL Cancer Institute, London, UK ]

Helen Morement

[Founder of AMMF – The Cholangiocarcinoma Charity.]

Laura Dawson

[Clinician Scientist, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre]

Massimo Iavarone

[Medical Director, Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda - Opsedale Maggiore Policlinico di Milano]

Mairead McNamara

[The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester - United Kingdom]

Bruno Sangro

[Director, Liver Unit, Clinica Universidad de Navarra]

Julien Edeline

[Medical Oncologist au Centre Eugène Marquis, Professor of Oncology at Rennes University]

Maria Hawkins

[University College London, Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, London United Kingdom]

Lorenza Rimassa

[Associate Professor of Medical Oncology, Humanitas Research Hospital, Milan, Italy]

Tim Meyer

[MD PhD UCL Cancer Institute, University College London (UCL), and Royal Free Hospital, London, UK]

Maria Reig

[Head of the Hepatic Oncology Unit - BCLC Group, Hospital Clinic, Barcelona, Spain]

Gonzalo Sapisochin

[Abdominal Transplant & HPB Surgical Oncology, University Health Network]

Hear three reasons to join from Lorenza Rimassa, STW24 Co-chair